ready for labor

How to determine if your body is ready for labor and delivery?

am I ready for labor?

Wondering if your body is prepared for labor and delivery? We measure the “stress” in your body to find out. 

Our bodies are well equipped to handle stress in small doses, but when that stress becomes long-term or chronic, it can have serious effects on your body and its ability to innately give birth. 

Why is it important for your body to be prepared for delivery? 

Bringing your baby into the world is like a marathon. You wouldn’t try to run a marathon without preparation. Right? Then, how could you bring your baby into this world without any preparation? Childbirth requires endurance, strength, flexibility, and the right mindset. And all of this is only possible if your body is ready for it, and is not in a constant state of stress.

The bad news is that stress during pregnancy is more than just an inconvenience, it’s actually unhealthy for you and your baby. Don’t let the desire to “get it all right” cause you to feel stressed instead of relaxed.

ready for labor

How to measure if your body is ready for labor and delivery?

Most pregnant mamas wish there were a magic way to check in with their bodies to see if they are “ready” for labor! Wouldn’t be great if there was a quick and easy way to do just that? There is! It’s called a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scan that tells how adaptable your nervous system is. And that adaptability gives us huge insight into how your labor and delivery will go! 

This scan reflects how adaptable your body is to stress, and how your nervous system is currently adapting to stress and gives us insight and a goal to prepare your body for birth. If your heart rate is highly variable (green zone), this is usually evidence that your body can adapt to many kinds of changes and your nervous system is ready to respond appropriately to labor and delivery. As your body moves through stages of labor, your nervous system is able to guide those innate abilities that the body has to birth an entire human. 

On the other hand, low heart rate variability (red zone) shows your body is less resilient and struggles to adapt to stress as it encounters it. When you go into labor, your nervous system’s going to stay in “stress” mode so your body is focused on survival. When your body is in survival mode, you aren’t able to tune into those innate abilities for labor and delivery.

Calculating a person’s heart rate variability is a great way to analyze and measure their autonomic nervous system! So, regulating your HRV to maintain a healthy functioning autonomic nervous system is crucial through your pregnancy and heading into delivery!

Prenatal chiropractor in florida

How can chiropractic care improve heart rate variability? 

Chiropractic adjustments directly influence the autonomic nervous system, improving heart rate variability and increasing the heart’s ability to recognize and adapt to stressors. Subluxations produce interference in the central nervous system, altering the information sent from the brain to the body. The primary objective of chiropractic care is to detect and correct these subluxations, enhancing the nervous system function in order to improve overall health and wellness. 

As a result, when your heart rate variability is monitored throughout your pregnancy, chiropractic care can help your results move from “the red zone” into the “green zone” and you shift from a constant state of stress to being a happy and healthy mama, exactly the way you are supposed to be!



The Heart Rate Variability Scan is something that we do for all of our Blossom mommas throughout their pregnancy. And we expect to see their results move from “the red zone” into the “green zone“. When you’re ready to give your body the ability to adapt during pregnancy through chiropractic care, we’re here to hold your hand every step of the way.

As St. Petersburg’s top Prenatal chiropractors, we’re always striving to provide you and your baby with the best care and experience. If you are in the Tampa or St. Pete area and are looking for a prenatal chiropractor, contact us to schedule an appointment to see how we can help during your pregnancy!


chiropractor in St. Pete

babies and chiropractic

Babies And Chiropractic Care: What You Need To Know!

The arrival of a new baby into the world is a monumental event for mom and baby! Birth is a huge adjustment for your baby as they adapt to life outside of the womb. They go through a significant amount of change in their first year of life, and this period of time is an important turning point in their development.


Chiropractic Care in the First Year of Life

Contrary to what is commonly believed, chiropractic care is of HUGE value to patients of any age – but especially in their first year! In light of the fact that childhood is characterized by exceptionally rapid growth and development, it is wildly important to make sure that your child’s nervous system is balanced so that their body can adapt to the rapid changes.

During the first year of life, babies will often encounter a few “common” (but NOT normal) issues. Things like colic, constipation, and ear infection are what parents brace themselves for as their baby moves through their first year. But what if we told you that when babies are regularly adjusted from birth, they experience these things LESS often, and when they do experience them, it is less intense? 


At Blossom Family Chiropractic we know the impact that chiropractic adjustments have on the immune system of kiddos and we know that infants who are regularly adjusted experience less of the “common” issues. 


The #1 Reason Why New Parents Should See A Chiropractor

Taking your newborn to the chiropractor on a regular basis is like making an investment in their health and their growth. Babies can benefit from chiropractic care from the moment they are born until the time they take their first steps. Gentle chiropractic adjustments give your baby the nervous system balance that they need to readily reach their movement milestones (rolling, crawling, walking) and provide them with the cognitive resources they need to learn how to self-regulate and adapt to the world around them. 


Taking care of your health involves more than just attending to it in the here and now; rather, it also involves making preparations for the future. This also applies to your newborn infant!

chiropractor for babies

Newborns And Chiropractic: Reasons Babies Need A Regular Adjustment

If you’re looking for an alternative to conventional treatment, chiropractic care is a great option because it focuses on the nervous system. Maintaining a healthy nervous system is essential since it regulates the functioning of the entire body. The health benefits include, among other things, a better immune system, less stress and anxiety, and better sleep.


Chiropractic care gives your baby more energy, helps them digest food better, and relieves the symptoms of colic as well as other gastrointestinal problems (or prevents them altogether!).


How often should I take my baby to the chiropractor?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, but seeing a chiropractor regularly is generally suggested. At Blossom Family Chiropractic we use in-depth assessments and data to determine your child’s care plan and only adjust when necessary! 


If your child is experiencing any kind of acute health issues, your chiropractor may suggest more frequent visits. Consistency, after all, is the key to achieving great results. 


During the duration of care, the practicing chiropractor who sees your child will be able to evaluate what your child’s specific requirements are and provide recommendations based on what they find. We suggest finding an ICPA-certified chiropractor who uses the appropriate technology to develop a care plan. 



As parents, we want what’s best for our children but we don’t always know what’s best for them so it won’t hurt to heed the advice of those who have gotten through it. Know and take what resonates with your child’s needs. Do your own research and trust your gut instinct. At the end of the day, what matters is that your child gets the best you have hoped for them. 


If you are in St. Petersburg, Florida, and looking for an ICPA-certified pediatric chiropractor to balance your sweet, new baby’s nervous system, reach out to us!


To book an appointment to get you and your infant evaluated and on the perfect track for development, visit and reach out to us! 


South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor


South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Yes, Chiropractic Care Can Help YOU Get Pregnant!

If you’ve landed on this blog, we are going to guess it is because you are having some difficulty getting pregnant and you are looking for alternatives to traditional fertility “treatments”. Or maybe you’ve tried all of the traditional routes and are left disappointed. What should be one of the most exciting times in your life can sometimes be overshadowed by challenges with fertility. If you are one of the 20% of women who struggle to conceive within the first year of trying, you know what we are talking about.

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

The Struggles and Possible Causes of Infertility

Our nervous system is connected to all the other systems and branches of our body and the vagus nerve is the one that acts as its pathway. An impaired vagus nerve function prevents the production and release of oxytocin, testosterone, and vasoactive intestinal peptide – all of which are part and parcel of the function of the reproductive system. A blockage or malfunction of the nerves involved in reproduction will cause an imbalance in hormones or other issues that may lead to infertility.

Then there’s stress

The connection linking stress to fertility is so complex as there are so many factors that could prevent you from getting pregnant ranging from physiological to environmental. Physiological, because of our body’s genetic components and environmental, because of what occurs in our daily lives that could add stressors to our nervous system. You may overlook this aspect, but stress is one factor that greatly impacts your nervous system. Physiological changes brought on by the release of stress hormones like cortisol may have an impact on your reproductive health. 

But when you are in the trenches of infertility treatments, failed pregnancy tests, and letdowns, how can you manage your stress levels to positively impact your reproductive health?

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

It’s Not Realistic to Remove ALL the Stress From Your Life

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all wave a wand, like the Fairy God Mother, and bippity-boppity-boo stress right out of our lives? The reality is that we live in a world that demands our time and attention. The constant demands lead to a build-up of stress in our nervous system.

What we can do at Blossom Family Chiropractic, though, is keep your nervous system functioning at its best so that when you encounter additional stressors, your body is able to adapt. That adaptation allows your body to stay farther from “fight or flight” mode, which in turn keeps stress hormones down and happy hormones up.

Why Chiropractic Care?

Misalignments of the spine are referred to as subluxations, and a chiropractor is qualified to diagnose and treat subluxations. These subluxations, which block the flow of information from your brain to your body, could have been caused by a wide variety of factors, including but not limited to childhood injuries, illnesses, accidents, poor posture, and stress. Subluxations, when decreased or eliminated, have been linked to improved menstrual cycle strength, function of the fallopian tubes, and in some cases, the reversal of endometriosis.

At our St. Petersburg office, we have seen women start their care with us after struggling with infertility and they get pregnant within months. We know the innate ability that a woman’s body has and we are here to facilitate the nervous system to do what it is able to do.

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

We Are Here For You, Momma

Whether you have tried all the things to get pregnant or you are just starting to explore options after struggling to conceive, chiropractic care is a resource to look into. Chiropractic adjustments play a critical role in reproduction by helping your body adapt to everyday stressors and the added stress of infertility. 

If you are in St. Petersburg, Florida, and struggling to conceive, Blossom Family Chiropractic is here to support you. Click here to book an appointment!

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

How Important is Chiropractic Care for Babies?

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Did you know that chiropractic care can significantly impact your baby’s health long into the future?

Your newborn babies’ tiny bodies are going through a lot of changes as they develop and grow. They are developing their sense of smell and taste, learning to calm themselves when they are upset, gaining control over their limbs physically, and becoming more curious about their environment. These changes and transformations can make even the sweetest babies have some BIG feelings. 

Finding out what to do for them at the right times or how to prevent or treat problems to help them stay healthy can be a challenge for new parents. Whether your baby is experiencing behavioral, digestive, physical, or developmental issues, chiropractic care will help.

Why Chiropractic Care is the Best Choice for Babies

Even though chiropractic care may seem like an unconventional choice for infant care, there are a number of ways that it can help babies grow, develop, and function optimally. Chiropractic care has been shown to have many positive effects on infants, including better sleep, easier digestion, and a stronger immune system.  

Chiropractic care for babies is also a favorite for holistic families who prefer not to turn directly to medications when their child is sick. Because chiropractic adjustments help an infant’s nervous system better adapt to illness, many families choose chiropractic care for their babies when they are sick.

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

How Does Infant Chiropractic Care Work?

At Blossom Family Chiropractic, we know that babies are usually born with some form of “trauma”. Because a baby passes through its mother’s birth canal and is powerfully pushed out, it is not uncommon for its nervous system to be off balance at birth. Chiropractic care for babies brings balance to their nervous system, which allows their bodies to focus on growing and hitting all of their milestones! 

It’s normal for parents to be skeptical about the benefits of chiropractic care for infants. They seem so tiny and fragile, after all. Don’t worry because the chiropractors at Blossom Family Chiropractic are experts in pediatric care, so you can rest assured that your baby is in good hands. They correct the spine and pelvis of infants with gentle pressure and touch to help regulate the nervous system.

Reactive vs. Proactive Chiropractic Care for Babies

When families come into our St. Petersburg office, they are generally there for one of two reasons. Their baby is either experiencing a specific discomfort (like constipation or colic) or they are aware of the benefits of proactive chiropractic care for their baby! Whichever phase that families come into Blossom Family Chiropractic for, they are welcome with open arms.

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor


Reactive care is the “immediate response” to a challenge that your child is currently facing. For example, if your kiddo is born with torticollis, we will reactively care for them by adjusting to directly improve their stiff movement. If you bring your kiddo in and tell us that they have recurring ear infections, we will reactively work on their ear canals to improve drainage and lessen the frequency of their ear infections. We are reacting to a specific situation. 


BUT, why wait for symptoms when you can prevent them from coming? Prevention is always our preferred method.

Regular chiropractic care proactively helps support your baby’s immune system. A strong immune system is important for overall health, and it can also help protect your baby. When babies are well-adjusted, they don’t get sick as often. We also know that well-adjusted babies adapt better to their environment and are likely to meet and exceed their milestones.

Early chiropractic care provides the framework for peak performance later in life.

As parents, our goal has always been to give our children the best of everything. We understand that at Blossom Family Chiropractic. But often, families overlook what’s ahead and just focus on the present. We are fixated on providing them with healthy meals or engaging them in an active lifestyle, all in the hope that those are enough to get them in tip-top shape. Taking your kids to the chiropractor is a fantastic first step toward building a lifetime of wellness in their bodies. If you are a family in St. Petersburg, Florida who is ready to set your little one up for a lifetime of wellness, click here to book an appointment with us!

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Why Having a Chiropractor in your Maternity Team is Important!

Having a reliable support group during your pregnancy is hands down the most important piece of the birthing puzzle! From the OB-GYN, midwives, nurses and doulas, pediatrician, and the whole support staff, having a Webster-certified chiropractor on your maternity team is heaven-sent.

South Florida maternity Chiropractor

Chiropractors who are specifically trained for maternity chiropractic care know exactly how to adjust your body in a gentle and safe way during pregnancy and the difference in the way that your body will feel is night and day!

How Prenatal Chiropractic Care Will Improve Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings so many changes in your life, and the most obvious is your physical attributes. Your tummy gets bigger as your peanut grows, your hips widen to prepare for birth, and your posture changes as your body tries to hold its balance. These are all normal, and from an onlooker’s perspective, it is actually a delight to see a woman carrying another human being. But for someone pregnant, there is a lot more than meets the eye. These changes affect her whole being. 

We know how excited you are and we also understand the struggle because your body is stretching to its full capacity to carry your growing baby. The heavier he or she gets, the weight on your back becomes close to being unbearable, thus the shift on your posture. It makes moving around slower and your lower back will feel the shift. You also tend to feel off-balance sometimes, but thankfully there are chiropractors, like us, who are specifically trained in prenatal chiropractic care! We use the Webster Technique, which is specifically designed for pregnant women. Our team of maternity chiropractors uses gentle adjustments that help improve your overall comfort while you’re carrying your sweet babe.

Life-changing effects of maternity chiropractic care.

Maternity Chiropractor in Florida

Prenatal chiropractic care coming from a team of Webster-certified maternity chiropractors will help you have a more comfortable pregnancy and prepare your body for birth!

  • Makes room for the baby.

Since the baby is growing, he or she needs room to move around inside the tummy. Each month your baby grows and changes until it reaches maturity and gets into a head down, position. It is vital for the baby to have sufficient space inside to grow, which can be addressed by a professional maternity chiropractor. Our gentle adjustments remove tension from a mother’s uterus and hips, which gives their baby more space to move!

  • Preparation for childbirth

There is no manual that really prepares you for childbirth, so the best you can do is to prepare your body for what’s to come. If you are physically ready, your brain signals the rest of your body not to worry. Because your body is aligned from prenatal chiropractic adjustments, your brain is not concerned with the physical act of birth – that is innate, momma. Your body will lean into its instincts. Instead, your head space can be filled with your affirmations and emotions while you bring life into this world. 

  • Reduced aches and pain

From the earliest stages of pregnancy up until postpartum, a woman experiences different kinds and degrees of discomfort. During the first trimester, there’s nausea caused by the changes in hormones secreted by the body. Just when she’s about to enter the second trimester, she’ll feel the shift in gravity due to the weight of the sweet baby she’s carrying. Aches and back pains will then be added to the list. Then, around the time of her labor, she’ll experience pelvic discomfort. As the pregnancy progresses, so does the list of unpleasant experiences. BUT just because these discomforts are common, does not mean you have to bear them. A Webster Certified chiropractor uses gentle and specific adjustments to keep your hips and pelvis aligned during your pregnancy, which significantly decreases the “common” discomforts.

So, will a Prenatal Chiropractor be on Your Maternity Team?

Given the benefits that your body will definitely reap by having a maternity chiropractor on your prenatal team, is it a go or a no?

When you’re ready to bring a Webster-Certified Chiropractor into your whole pregnancy-childbirth-child-rearing journey, we are here for you.

At Blossom Family Chiropractic, we are a team of Webster-certified chiropractors in St. Petersburg, Florida who are specifically trained in prenatal chiropractic care. We love supporting mothers through pregnancy and postpartum! South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Your SECOND brain?! What the gut?

Blossom Family Chiropractic

Gut feeling

“That gut feeling” is a real thing! Your stomach aches from a stressful situation, or you’ve got knots in your stomach from making a decision. Do you know the feeling we are talking about? You’ve got a little nervous system in your gut, the enteric nervous system, which communicates with your brain through the autonomic nervous system. The millions of nerves that line your gut send signals to your brain that elicit emotional responses and physical responses within your body! We talk A LOT about “fight or flight” responses around here, and your gut can trigger that response. 

The problem is that when your gut can’t send the right signals to your brain, your brain stops a SUPER important thing – the ability to poop well.


chiropractic for gut health

Your “gut brain” has a major effect on your poop probs!

Those millions of nerves that line every inch of your gut communicate directly to your brain through your vagus nerve. Imagine it like a constant conversation. The gut says, “hey, brain, it’s time to get rid of this waste that I’ve been working hard to make.” The brain should get the message via the vagus nerve and say, “cool, let’s start a bowel movement.” This sort of conversation should be everflowing between your gut and your brain. 

Why your gut is not healthy

But sometimes your gut and your brain lose connection

Since the vagus nerve plays a large role in the conversation between your gut and your brain, when that nerve is not functioning the way that it should, it breaks the connection. When this disconnection happens, your gut becomes inflamed. That inflammation does a few things. 

  1. An inflamed gut SLOWS or STOPS the communication from the nerves in your gut to the Vagus Nerve 
  2. An inflamed gut makes it incredibly hard to use the bathroom 
  3. Gut inflammation can also affect your mental health 

So, of course, the ultimate goal is to keep communication flowing between your gut and your brain. But how?

Gut brain connection

To keep the conversation going between your gut and your brain, your Vagus Nerve needs to be free of interference.

This is where chiropractic care comes in! During an adjustment with a neurologically focused chiropractor, like us, we assess the function of your vagus nerve. At each and every adjustment, we work to restore the function of your nervous system so that your brain can communicate effectively with the rest of your body – especially your gut!

Chiropractic adjustments for vagus nerve

At Blossom Family Chiropractic, we take a neurological approach to chiropractic care. We know how important the vagus nerve is to your entire body and how you feel. When we assess each patient at our St. Petersburg office, we use advanced technology to measure HOW their vagus nerve is functioning

With our very specific adjusting techniques, we are able to help your vagus nerve communicate at its best capacity with your brain. Our in-depth scans show us exactly where the miscommunication is so that we can adjust at the precise place. 

If you are in St. Pete, Florida area and are having digestive issues, book an appointment with us so we can help your vagus nerve function at its best!

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Vagus Nerve Blossom Chiropractic

3 Ways to Stimulate Your Child’s Vagus Nerve to Help Them Relax

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Your kiddo has one main component that controls their ability to feel cool, calm, and collected!  The super science term is the vagus nerve but at Blossom Family Chiropractic, we call it the “brake pedal”!

When your kiddo gets ramped up, the vagus nerve is what tells the brain, “alright buddy, it’s time to press the brakes”. That communication is what can bring your child from overwhelmed & anxious to calm & collected. 

But when the vagus nerve can’t get the message to your brain, your kiddo’s body can’t regulate itself to calm down.

What is the vagus nerve?

It wanders from the base of the skull in two directions. Upward to connect with nerves in the neck, throat, eyes, and ears. and down towards the lungs, heart, diaphragm, and stomach. It picks up signals from your body and brings them back to your brain.

vagus nerve stimulation

The vagus nerve controls the parasympathetic nervous system which keeps your body running with the things that we don’t think about. Things like sleep, digestion, immune function, growth and development, relaxation, and healing are all controlled by your vagus nerve. 

But most importantly, ESPECIALLY in kiddos, the vagus nerve plays a major role in the body’s ability to go from a stressed and overwhelmed state to a calm and collected state. When a child’s vagus nerve is not able to communicate with their brain, their body gets stuck in a place that we call “fight or flight” mode. 

They’re like a Ferrari stuck in overdrive and they’ve lost control of their brakes. They can’t hear you because Metallica is blaring in their head and drowning everything else out.

Stimulating the Vagus Nerve Helps You (and your kiddo!) Calm Down

When the human body detects that something dangerous is around, it goes into “fight or flight” mode. When that happens, adrenaline kicks in as you literally prepare to fight or run for your life. You will feel your heart start to the race, you might sweat and your thoughts will race. 

Once the danger is gone your body should start to calm back down. Your heartbeat should return to normal and you will have clear thoughts. That transition out of “fight or flight” is led by your vagus nerve! It tells the brain to let the body relax since the danger is gone. 

You can signal your body to relax by activating your vagus nerve. This is incredibly helpful when you are feeling overwhelmed!

Here are a few ways that you can “activate” Your Vagus Nerve:

– Deep breathing: Take slow and steady breaths. 

– Get outside: When you are in that overwhelmed space, get into nature. 

– Chiropractic care: Regular adjustments keep the pathways from the vagus nerve to the brain open so they can communicate when they need to!  

Try these with your kiddo next time they’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed. When your body realizes that it can come out of that “fight or flight” mode, the vagus nerve can return to keeping your digestion, breathing, and all of the other always occurring things in your body functioning at their best!

Chiropractic adjustments for vagus nerve

At Blossom Family Chiropractic, we take a neurological approach to chiropractic care. We know how important the vagus nerve is to your entire body and how you feel. When we assess each patient at our St. Petersburg office we use advanced technology to measure HOW their vagus nerve is functioning

With our very specific adjusting techniques, we are able to help your vagus nerve communicate at its best capacity with your brain. Our in-depth scans show us exactly where the miscommunication is so that we can adjust at the precise place. 

If you are in St. Pete, Florida area and have felt like you are stuck in “fight or flight” mode, book an appointment with us so we can help your vagus nerve function at its best!South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Pediatric Chiropractor for your baby & their sleep

Is your baby struggling to sleep? Chiropractic care can help!

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you are exhausted. You’ve tried everything you can imagine to get your baby to sleep. You need rest, your baby needs rest, and your entire family needs rest. But no matter what you’ve tried, no one is getting the rest that they need.

We know your story. We see parents every day who walk into our St. Petersburg office hardly able to function – sometimes with tears in their eyes – begging for answers.

Claire’s parents were in your shoes. Before they found Blossom Family Chiropractic, Claire had not slept a single night through. The entire family – including Claire – was exhausted. Claire was not getting the rest that she needed for her body to restore and develop at its best.

Since bringing Claire in for pediatric chiropractic adjustments, she is sleeping so much better!  Since she started getting adjusted,  she has slept 9 nights – 7 hours – uninterrupted. Prior to chiropractic care, there was not one night she slept through the night.South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

How does Chiropractic care help your baby sleep better?

We are about to get into some super cool science. But we know your mind is exhausted, so we will make it short and sweet.  At the base of your baby’s skull is the root of a major nerve that wanders through their entire body. It’s called the vagus nerve. 

The vagus nerve controls the whole parasympathetic part of the nervous system. That’s responsible for sleep digestion, immune function, growth and development, and relaxation. Still, following? We’re almost done. 

We call that parasympathetic part of the nervous system our brake pedal. And what happens is when there’s irritation in that area or any kind of inflammation, or what we call subluxations in that area, it turns off our brake pedal and puts us full-on gas pedal mode and that fight or flight stress mode. So we’re going, go, go all the time.

Your baby can experience that “go, go, go” feeling just like we can. Except for their little bodies that usually look like trouble sleeping, fussiness, digestion issues, etc.

Pediatric chiropractic adjustments focus on the vagus nerve

Our gentle chiropractic adjustments remove the inflammation around the vagus nerve so that your baby’s body has the ability to find and press its “brake pedal”.  These safe and precise adjustments help your baby’s brain communicate to the rest of the body that it is time to rest and restore. When your baby feels the release of the gas pedal (that go, go, go feeling) they can settle into better sleep, their body can digest food better and everyone gets the rest that they need.

Pediatric Chiropractor in St. Petersburg, Florida

Sleep deprivation will make you feel awful. At Blossom Family Chiropractic, we want to support your baby, and the rest of your family, so that you can all get the restorative sleep that your body needs. 

If you are in the St. Petersburg, Florida area and your infant is struggling to sleep, reach out to us to book an appointment.

South Florida Pediatric Chiropractor

Flight or Flight Response

Kiddo feeling angry often? They might be stuck in fight or flight mode!


sensory overload for children

Imagine this – you’re at a county fair with your family, enjoying the rides, cotton candy, and maybe even some animals. You turn your head for just a second to grab something from the stroller and when you look up, you don’t see your kiddo. What would your body do?

The appropriate response would be a heightened heart rate, a heightened sense of sight and hearing, and an adrenaline rush that puts you in overdrive to find your child.

What is “fight or flight” mode and how does it feel to your kiddo?

That feeling is “fight or flight” mode. It is an uncontrollable physical response where your brain tells your body “this is a threat” and your body responds in a way that will save you (or in this case, your kiddo). 

That physical response FEELS like a lot to you, as an adult. Now imagine being a child who does not yet understand those big feelings. They don’t know how to manage the adrenaline rush or why it is even happening. 

For your child, “fight” looks like – kicking, screaming, spitting, pushing, throwing, etc. while “flight” looks like – restlessness, running without concern for safety, fidgeting, etc. 

Kiddos who struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and sensory challenges will not only find themselves in a “fight or flight” mode but they get STUCK in this “fight or flight”/ gas pedal mode.

what is a fight or flight response?

What causes your kiddo to go into “fight or flight” and stay there?

It all comes down to that beautiful brain in their head and the nervous system that stems from it. Your child’s nervous system is constantly communicating with their brain. The nerves say “Hey, you just put your hand on something warm!” and the brain says “pull your hand away!”. It all happens so quickly. The body perceives danger, reacts to it by going into “fight or flight”, then comes out of defense mode when the danger is gone. 

But when signals are misfiring, because of poor brain/body communication, your child goes into “fight or flight” in situations that it is not needed and cannot regulate themself out of that defensive mode. For our easily stimulated friends, sometimes that looks like the wrong texture of shirt touching their skin and they struggle to manage their big response to the “danger” that their brain perceived. 

The sympathetic nervous system tells the body to release adrenaline, followed by cortisol, so they have a burst of energy to remove themselves from “danger”. Imagine a car whose gas pedal is pressed to the floor. Full speed ahead.

When the body does not send the signal that the threat is gone, it remains in fight or flight mode. Your kiddo can see you trying to change their shirt and remove the “threat” but the signal isn’t reaching the brain. The cortisol keeps their body revved up and on high alert. Your child’s gas pedal is stuck down. Their brain cannot tell the body that the threat is gone and that it is okay to relax because their brain never got that signal.

chiropractic care for fight or flight

Helping your kiddo come out of “fight or flight” so their body can rest and restore

The nervous system starts at the base of your kiddos’ skull and continues down their spine, then weaves through the rest of their body. It sends the signal to the brain that the threat is gone and that it is time to stop the “defense mode”. But when there are interferences in the communication stream – we call that a subluxation in the nervous system – your kiddos brain does not get the signal to let off the gas… 

The blockages in communication are caused by “stress” that your kiddo feels. Sometimes this stress looks like an overly stimulating environment, a fall or extra hard tumble, or chemical stressors like an influx in processed food intake. These stressors are inevitable, but the thing that you can control is helping your kiddo’s nervous system get rid of the subluxation (blocking the messages) so that their brain can get the signal that it is okay to let down their defenses. 

As a nervous system-focused chiropractors, we concentrate on finding and removing the subluxations that are blocking the signals to your kiddo’s brain. We go in-depth on the tools we use to find the exact points of miscommunication here. After an adjustment at Blossom Family Chiropractic, your kiddo’s body will be able to better communicate with their brain and let it know that the defense is gone and that it is okay to rest. We would love to say that this is an immediate fix after just one adjustment, but it took time for your kiddo to get stuck in this “fight or flight” space and it will take time for their body to come out of it. 

In our St. Petersburg pediatric chiropractic office, we create customized care plans based on the results of the neurological scans we use. Each adjustment builds on the previous one to re-pattern the nervous system and take the foot off the gas pedal “fight or flight” by pumping the brakes (activating that rest and relaxation part of the nervous system). The adjustments change the way the body is able to receive and send information and restores normal nervous system function, allowing your kiddo to thrive!

Pediatric Chiropractor in St. Petersburg, Florida

If you are in the Tampa or St. Pete area and are looking for a pediatric chiropractor, contact us to schedule an appointment to see those unique scans of your child’s nervous system function and how pediatric chiropractic adjustments can help them come out of the “fight or flight” mode and into a balanced space where they can rest.

chiropractic for menstrual health

Irregular periods? How a Chiropractor Can Help Your Menstrual Health

Did you know that your MENSTRUAL HEALTH is directly related to your NERVOUS SYSTEM?!

chiropractor for painful periods

Your menstrual cycle and your hormones move together! During each phase (week) of your menstrual cycle, your hormone levels rise and fall. That shift in hormones is the root cause of the physical changes and mood fluctuations that happen during the month. As hormone levels shift, your body is working overtime to maintain a balance that will keep you feeling your best.

The delicate balancing act is controlled by your nervous system. The intricate system of nerves not only controls muscle movement and reaction, but it also is the communication pathway between your brain and involuntary body functions – like your menstrual cycle. As your nervous system picks up the signals that hormone levels are fluctuating, it tells the body to react appropriately. Your nervous system should adapt to each phase. During menstruation, your body should release the thickened uterine wall. During ovulation, your body should prepare to host sperm.

Chiropractor in Tampa Florida

But what happens when the signals from your body don’t make it all the way to your brain?

Sometimes your nervous system has roadblocks – that we call subluxations. These blocks in the communication pathway stop some signals from reaching your brain. Since the brain is not receiving the signal, it cannot react appropriately. Super science-y, right? Here’s a real life example. We are going to compare “Suzy” who has a lovely period week and “Jessica” who wishes she could fast-forward the dreadful week.

When Jessica enters the menstrual phase of her cycle she experiences a HUGE mood swing. She often feels out of control of her emotions and lashes out. On the day that she begins bleeding, she experiences very painful cramping and symptoms similar to IBS. Her period is full of clots and did we mention, painful?

Suzy, on the other hand, often does not even know her period is coming – she may track it on an app but she experiences no physical symptoms. She bleeds lightly and her cramping is minimal – if at all. Her period does not interfere with her life as Jessica’s does.

Why is Suzy so “lucky”? Her nervous system is able to adapt to each phase of her menstrual cycle. It receives every signal that the body sends and reacts the right way. Her body will say “hey, our period is starting soon, can you make sure your uterine wall is ready to slough off?” and the brain says “Yes! I will make it happen!”

While in Jessica’s case, there is a block somewhere in her nervous system, and when her body says “hey, our period is starting soon, can you make sure your uterine wall is ready to slough off?” the brain literally does not get the memo so it has no way to prepare her uterus to do the work. So when it’s time for Jessica’s uterine wall to slough, her hormone levels are off and it is incredibly painful.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Menstrual Health

At Blossom Family Chiropractic, our focus is your nervous system. We base all of our adjustments on the health and adaptability of your nervous system, which we are able to measure through state-of-the-art equipment.

Meaning, we can look at the scans and measurements and see when your nervous system has those roadblocks that would make your menstrual cycle abnormal.

Each adjustment helps remove those blocks – subluxations – from your nervous system, which allows the signals to flow freely to your brain. When your brain receives all the correct signals, it can respond in all the right ways!

So, if you want a cycle like Suzy, routine chiropractic adjustments will most definitely help!

Blossom Family Chiropractic – Family Chiropractor in St. Pete, Florida

As a practice with a focus on pregnancy and children, we work with women who are ready to support their body’s ability to adapt. Once the nervous system is supported, we often see resolution of infertility struggles – which are directly related to nervous system health.

If you are in St. Petersburg, Florida or surrounding areas and you are struggling with your menstrual health, let’s see if chiropractic care is the missing link! reach out to book an appointment with us!

chiropractor and menstrual health