Entries by Emily Carathanasis

The relationship between Spinal Health and The Immune System

The relationship with your spinal health and your immune system are very important and needed for optimal health. A couple areas that I wanted to talk to you about were first the upper cervical and then right down to the sacrum. That’s where your parasympathetic nervous system is mostly housed. And what that does is […]

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Kids Get Through “The Perfect Storm”?

A lot of people ask “What is The Perfect Storm?” The Perfect Storm of events is all of these different things that happened over time to get your kid to where they are today. It’s the colic, that turned into the reflux, that turned into the digestive issues, that turned into the ear infections, that […]

Why Chiropractic care is so important for kids especially newborns

Introduction One of the number one questions I get asked is why do kids, especially newborns, need to get adjusted? So a lot of times when we’re looking at that birth process, that’s a huge traumatic event for little ones. Doctors, if they’re helping assist that baby come out, they’re trained to use 60 to […]

What is ADHD and how chiropractic care can benefit

Introduction When we talk about ADHD, we’re talking about a nervous system that’s on overdrive, all right? Our foot being put on that gas pedal and make it makes it really hard to be able to sit still to be able to pay attention. We might see some behavior issues come out, right? Because what’s […]

Why is chiropractic care important for babies and young children?

Why is chiropractic care important for babies and young children? We see a ton of babies in here and a lot of people that don’t understand chiropractic. They ask “well why do you even see kids?” “Why do you see babies?” “Why should they get adjusted?” I wanted to go ahead and clarify that. We […]