webster technique and pregnancy

How does Webster Technique work for pregnant women? Click to find out!

back pain during pregnancy

Mamas-to-be, you are amazing! You are bringing life into this world. That’s no small task!  You have a lot of demands placed on your body. Some demands are hormonal stress due to the preparation for birth or physical stress due to the changes you observe in your body.

But, have you ever considered chiropractic care to put your body back into balance and to help you better function while a new beautiful life is growing inside you? There is no better time than now to take the best care of yourself! Yes – there are specific techniques that can help to make your pregnancy go smoothly!

The Webster technique is a unique adjusting technique just for pregnant women.

Here’s what you need to know about this technique, how it works, and how does it help?

Webster Technique for breech babies

The term “breech baby” refers to a baby that is not in the proper positioning to make its way through the birthing canal. If a baby is breech until the time of delivery, a vaginal birth is typically not possible and a C-section may be recommended by your OBGYN for you and your baby. 

A chiropractic adjustment using the Webster Technique can positively impact your baby’s ability to move into a head-down position. Although we cannot actually turn breech babies, with safe and effective adjustments we are able to create more space in the pelvis so the baby is able to turn into a head-down position. This will provide more comfort to the mother and decrease the likelihood of a C-section.

How does the Webster Technique work?

During pregnancy, the pelvis and sacrum are constantly shifting to make space for your growing baby. This can cause tightness in the surrounding ligaments and muscles, making life uncomfortable for you and limit movement for your baby. 

The Webster Technique focuses on relieving the tension in your ligaments, balancing the pelvis by adjusting the sacrum, and addressing any additional tight muscles that connect to the uterus or pelvis. Doing this creates a more functional environment for your baby. In the end, you’ll have a bit more room so your baby can turn with ease.

turning breech babies

How does the Webster Technique Help Pregnant Women?

The main goal of the Webster technique is to remove spinal misalignments and alleviate pressure on the uterus. The adjustments also help alleviate the discomforts many women feel as their body changes. By keeping your hips balanced and your posture corrected, the Webster Technique will relieve lower back pain and sciatica.

Spinal misalignments can play a significant role in the baby’s position in the womb. Removing spinal misalignments can relieve the pressure and allow the baby room to move about

Adjustments using the Webster Technique will help your body adapt to pregnancy more gracefully and easily


Every mother needs a support network on this journey, and we are proud that so many moms-to-be choose us to be on their team.

The Webster technique is something that we recommend for all of our Blossom mommas. The outcomes, both for mom and baby, are incredible! When you’re ready to create the best environment for your baby through chiropractic care and give your body the ability to adapt during pregnancy, we’re here to hold your hand every step of the way.

As one of St. Petersburg’s Webster Certified chiropractors, we’re always striving to provide you and your baby with the best care and experience. If you are in the Tampa or St. Pete area and are looking for a prenatal chiropractor, contact us to schedule an appointment to see how Webster Technique can help during your pregnancy!

