St. Petersburg Pregnancy Chiropractor

What is the best time to start the Webster Technique?

webster technique in st pete

From keeping you more comfortable to decreasing labor times, and ensuring your nervous system is at its peak performance while your body has the very important job of growing the newest addition to your family, Chiropractic care gives you an edge during pregnancy. The Webster technique is one specific chiropractic method that can prepare your body and your baby for a comfortable pregnancy and birth. It’s important to understand what the Webster Technique is and what’s the best time to take advantage of the Webster Technique.

What is the Webster’s Technique?

Webster Technique is an adjusting technique designed to restore and maintain balance in the pelvis and sacrum during pregnancy. This technique focuses on improving structural balance for mamas while optimizing fetal positioning which often results in an easier birth with a reduced risk of interventions.

The primary goal of the Webster Technique is to remove spinal subluxations, which relieves pressure on the uterus so the baby has more room to move.  Gentle adjustments of the sacrum are performed to ensure proper alignment with the pelvis which relieves tension on the uterus. When there is the best alignment and the least amount of tension on the uterus, the babies are able to move around freely and settle into the optimal birthing position.

When to start Webster Technique?

As soon as you see those two pink lines, the + sign or the glaring blue “PREGNANT”! Whichever test you take, as soon as you know that you’re pregnant, it is time to start receiving adjustments using the Webster Technique. 

The earlier in your pregnancy that you start these unique adjustments, the better your body is able to adapt to the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes that it will have over the next nine months. 

But let’s not forget the benefit of these adjustments for your little peanut. Your baby’s neural tube (which becomes the brain and spinal cord) begins to develop at the 4th week after conception. We want mama’s nervous system to be balanced and adapted so that it can support the baby’s growth and development. 

It’s never too late to start getting Webster Technique adjustments during pregnancy, but it’s always best to start as early as possible. It can take multiple visits to realign the pelvis and get it into a position that is safe and effective for both you and your baby. Sometimes, it can take a longer period of time. The more time we have, the better prepared you, your body and your baby are for labor and birth.

When is it TOO LATE to start Webster Technique?

Of course, we’d love to see all birthing parents as soon as they are pregnant, but if you are a parent who is far into your pregnancy and has just learned about the Webster Technique, it’s not too late. 

You are able to receive adjustments using the Webster Technique up to birth. In fact, some women also get adjusted during birth to make sure their pelvis is aligned and their birth canal is opened. 

We often see women in their third trimester whose babies are in breech positions. While the Webster Technique cannot turn babies, it does remove stress on the uterus and align the pelvis. Those two things make space for the baby, who can then move and settle into the head-down position.

when should I start webster technique?

Benefits of Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is one of many activities you can do to prepare for the birth of your child. Some of the benefits of the Webster Technique are:

  •  Better sleep and mobility
  •  Decrease in discomforts such as the back, hip, pelvic, and groin pain.
  • Restoring proper nerve function to reproductive organs
  •  Decrease in Sciatica, and heartburn
  • Optimal baby positioning
  • Reduced nausea, dizziness, and joint pain
  • Reduction in postpartum depression

The Webster Technique not only makes an expectant mother a bit more comfortable but can also help avoid numerous issues for the growing baby. Ultimately, it can provide more peace of mind and better birth.


The Webster technique is something that we recommend for all of our Blossom mamas. The outcomes, both for mom and baby, are incredible! When you’re ready to create the best environment for your baby through chiropractic care and give your body the ability to adapt during pregnancy, we’re here to hold your hand every step of the way.

As one of St. Petersburg’s Webster Certified chiropractors, we’re always striving to provide you and your baby with the best care and experience. If you are in the Tampa or St. Pete area and are looking for a prenatal chiropractor, contact us to schedule an appointment to see how Webster Technique can help during your pregnancy!

